Monday, August 27, 2012

Mushroom Harvest

Imagine my shock to find a few spots in the mushroom bed to have given fruit. The Captain did not water the bed while I was away for 2 weeks back in May. I thought for sure it was a bust. Once I returned, between Lil man & I, we would give it a good soak once a week, refusing to give up so easily. Our determination paid off... a little bit.

This last weekend, we discovered 3 clusters like the above. Lil Man has kept a watchful eye on this bed, in hopes of eating his first home grown mushroom. He & I will be adding a fresh layer of straw & more wood chips for transferring some of the spawn, our fresh clusters have given. Hopefully, we will have more abundance next Spring. I do believe we will place more rocks in the beds being all the clusters showed up around the edges, leaving the open mass bare.
The garden has been rather abundant in Paste tomatoes which has had me canning when I have a whole day to spend in the kitchen. Of course Lil Man can not stand the smell of the fresh pure paste tomatoes cooking down on the stove but that all changes once I add the herbs & tons of garlic. He loves my canned sauce.
School starts this week so I go back to an empty daytime house. On one hand I will miss them, on the other? Well I look forward to the quiet days.
It's almost Honey harvest time so I best get a move on locating that extractor and another hive for expanding our our Bee yard. Panda's friends are requesting their presence when I do the whole process. Kinda makes me laugh how they are so intrigued with all we do. Not so much the garden, but the rest? They Beg to be involved. Who am I to turn down some extra helping hands.

Sweet Dreams,


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