Friday, September 28, 2012

A New Spin on an Old Tradition: Sofa Bunk Bed

Hello Gentle Readers,

Once again I aim to bring you something interesting and unique to pique your design fancy. Today I want to show off this clever convertible sofa. Now, usually when you think of a convertible sofa a standard 'drop the back and create a bed' style is what your likely picturing. Or maybe a traditional futon is what comes to mind.

Well, this Doc Sofa Bunk Bed by BonBon takes not only the concept of convertible sofas but also space saving solutions to a whole new level.

You haven't seen a bunk bed or convertible sofa like this, I can almost guarantee that. Whether you want to optimize your kids room with a sofa/bunk combo that is a total spin on the traditional futon bunk bed or you have a very small living space for more than one roommate (and sharing a bed would just be awkward) this doc bunk bed is perfect for you.

Also, it's just plain old cool. Check out their YouTube video below.

Hows that for something new you haven't seen today?

Happy Sleeping!
- Ginni

ps. Do you have any cool pieces of furniture you've seen lately? Hit us up in the comments!


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