Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Dining Room Designs

Furniture design in the house can sometimes be a bit difficult, especially if you are just starting out with it. So I’ve decided to put together some ideas and tips for dining room furniture design. If you follow these general ideas, you can be sure that things will look right in the end.

1. A sense of style: A sense of style means knowing your own sense of style, and then applying that consistently. Whereas some people prefer more traditional styles, such as Amish handcrafted furniture, you might find that you enjoy a more contemporary look. Be sure then not to go out and buy something that doesn’t suit your style, just because you think it is ‘fancy’ or others will like it. You’re the one that is going to be living in your house. You should be sure that the house has the look and the feel of the person and the people who live there.

2. The right use of color: You should always be aware of the colors in your house, knowing how and when to put certain colors together, and when not to. As a rule of thumb, never put too many loud colors together, and similarly, never use to many dull colors. So make sure that the dark wooden dining room hutch is not offset by a strange new purple table. That could make for a ghastly surprise to your visitors and to yourself when you come to realize that in the end, it just doesn’t work.

3. Filling the space properly: I have spoken of the use of space in another article, and will just offer a few general remarks here. The most basic thing about space is to know how it is in your house, and then to use it properly. If your house has a more straight and narrow space, then fill it to make it look less narrow, not to increase the appearance of narrowness. Also, if the space is wide and too open, you might want to close things a bit through connecting furniture or a large table that gives the house a cozy look. In the end it’s up to you to decide, but always keep in mind how the space is being used.

4. The principle of arrangement: The arrangement of furniture follows from the space in the house, but also from the type of furniture that you have. Be sure that when you arrange things in say your dining room, that things aren’t sticking out in a strange way or that the chairs aren’t blocking any doors, or passage.

5. Make sure things complement: If you buy a new dining room table, then be sure that it is going to complement the other pieces that you have in the house such as the dining chairs, as well as that it goes well with the above four points that we discussed. Even if you’ve taken into consideration all of the above design ideas, if things don’t complement each other, then the entire room will look strangely awkward and uneven. So make sure that things look right – together - and this means piece by piece the furniture you selectively put together the entire room to make a whole.

Go ahead and change the look of your dining room – feel free to experiment, and you are sure to come up with results that may surprise even you!

Being a good host for guests at your home is no simple chore, and it often requires a good deal of research to avoid making a complete fool of one’s self. From merely trying to show your friends a good time to attempting to put on a major event for a horde of people (many of whom you may not even know, thus increasing the formality factor), playing the part of the good host requires lots of detailed and carefully coordinated knowledge. One area of prime importance in being a good host, especially in the common circumstance of a dinner party, is being able to set the dining table properly—and beautifully!

Before you even make your first move in this regard, take a minute to stop and think about how you want your dinner event to be: are you aiming for something highly formal, or are you trying to shoot for a more casual affair? These considerations will weight in on the final appearance of the dining table in significant ways, so make sure you’ve got this clear before starting to set the table.

The first consideration is what sort of a tablecloth to use, a decision that will be influenced by the formality of the occasion। Next, a charming dining table requires a brilliant centerpiece: this object, whatever it is, will be the center of attention at the dinner, and furthermore will give you a starting point around which all subsequent decisions revolve. Traditional centerpieces can be flower bouquets in classy vases, aesthetic fruit arrangements, or depending on what you’re dinner will involve it might be a dish itself.


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