Thursday, January 7, 2010

The new addition in my kitchen...

I would never make for a good vegetarian. I could not go very long without some white meat. Truthfully I could go on in life with having meat just a few times a week. I am not a fan of Beef. I prefer the white meats. But having a Yankee husband raised on daily meat dishes has made it hard for this Southerner to accommodate. So I get creative and make dishes which I can reduce their intake of meat to 1/4 of what it would be if made just as a meat dish.
Dealing with the stages of picky eating in 2 of our 3 children have not made it easy at the dinner table.
Panda refuses to eat salad or leafy greens. Lil' Man switches with the wind. Frog? Well she has a second nickname around this house....MOOCH. If it is on your plate she wants it. You can ask if she would like you to make her some with yours and she will reply "No thank you", then as soon as you sit down she is peering over at your plate asking for a bite.
Double OY! Am I making any sense on my meat ramble?
We had bought half a pig this last Fall which I am not impressed with the flavor or texture. The sausage & bacon are O.K but the rest is rather "Ack..". I have made the pork chops 3 different ways to which never fail lacking in taste and DRY. The ham is O.K but could be better. The roast was disappointing. So what shall I do with all this meat which leaves my family gulping liquids with each bite?

Use a meat grinder and make meatballs, sausage and burgers! For some odd reason I have yet to understand, (Maybe due to the fat being distributed) the above mentioned meat conditions go away when ground up. So I grabbed a pack of pork chops to defrost and became excited over the prospective play time with my new appliance.

First I should fill you in on the Meat grinders details. It is a Weston brand number 5 meat grinder with Tomato strainer. It comes with a sausage stuffer plus you can buy an attachment for a veggie shredder. AND it has a reverse for any stuck meat incidents.

I have looked around at other meat grinders on the market. The price is on the lower average spectrum. Just under $84. There are some less in price BUT they come with less extras and quality is questionable. I strongly feel this is the best bang for your buck when looking for a versatile unit.
I discovered my new addition while hopping around on the CSN stores various 200 sites. This site in particular, Cookware held me for over an hour looking around. They have an amazing selection for the kitchen. I swear there were at least 30 meat grinders to choose from.. Throw in the free shipping with affordable pricing...
They had me at savings....

A pressure canner is needed next. After all, with the tomato strainer attachment, I will have plenty of time to make more home fresh sauces to which fresh local raised ground/cooked meat can be added.
Here is a look at my new addition ~notice the snow on the pine branches through the window? :

I love the steel and red together. In my opinion, it gives a modern class look on appliances and in the kitchen. Add in some glass front white wash cupboards and I would be smiling like a Cheshire cat.
After the meat grinding I will be playing with the Delicata squash. I would like to see what this baby can do with those.(trying to avoid the food mill if possible since it makes a mess when letting Frog help). Not to mention I plan to make something new for Supper this weekend, so play time is so on! :

Yiddish Delicata soup topped with Apple Croutons!
What a perfect topping. Pure Genius!
Check out the recipe over **here** By the Jew & carrot.
We have plans to use a few whole ones for Squash french fries. Since Delicata has the taste of Sweet Potatoes, they are bound to make for great "sun fries". Might have to add the Vegetable chopper to my desire list. Although I do have a 2 mandolins in the cabinet...
Tomato season is in....what? 7 months. :) jeez. that seems so far away. I want to try the tomato strainer out now which obviously will not be happening. Just something to look forward to even more when Garden season hits.
Be sure to get your entry in for the Honey pot, Biscuit Cutters and Herbal tea Giveaway!

Sweet Dreams,


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