Sunday, March 27, 2011

The tub?

It all began simple enough. Bring the chickens hot water in a plastic container in 25 degree weather.Nothing new. The Captain reports as soon as he put that steaming water down, they went crazy. Knocking each other over, screaming and then... they discovered the warmth. One chick decided to sprawl out next to it, with it's head over hanging into the container. As though it were enjoying a facial steam. Then another decided to just hop in and sprawl it was a hot tub. Just laid there as others continued to drink.
He laughed and said "stupid chicken". I said "wow, a chicken hot tub". 
The problem came when The Captain went back 15 minutes later and discovered our "hot tub chicken" almost dead. Apparently it decided a walk outside their coop was in order after such a relaxing dip.
Feathers had icicles. The Captain thought it was dead for sure.
He scooped her up and brought her inside. You could barely see the weak shake in her legs as I got to work. A few minutes more outside and I'm not sure my effort would have worked.
After letting room temp water bring up her exterior temperature, I wrapped her up in a towel and used the blow dryer on low. You could hear the weak peeps begin to escape. 5 minutes more, her eyes would open up for a second or two. Ming, who tries so hard to play with the chickens {much to their horror},  has a most disturbing and insatiable desire for...chicken butts. How do you break a dog of that !?
 She was quick to Hop in & help. Licking her legs and head, seeming to stimulate the freezing chicken. She laid claim and we nicknamed it Ming's "Precious". Once dried, she went into the now empty container she used as a hot tub. A heating pad underneath for extra warmth.
Ming would not leave her side. She laid on the ground towel and kept as close as she could .

Eventually her "precious" was strong enough to hop out of her warm nest and strolled around the living room, never more then a few inches from her new friend. She earned her "bracelet" which is reserved  for special chickens. Like the one nice rooster out of the 4 I have counted in this batch.

Ming did try playing with her and that silly chicken could care less. Brain damaged or a strange bond between dog & poultry? Time will tell.
 They strolled together a good half hour before I felt she was well enough to go back into chicken world. 
It was best she went back out. After all, seeing Ming check out that chicken bottom became a bit disturbing.

Sweet dreams,


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