Friday, March 9, 2012

Can you feel that? She's coming!

Most of us are experiencing it. Seeing it. Feeling it. But are you enjoying it to the fullest? I am taking every stolen moment of this amazing early weather straight to the garden. This week, I have taken the back picket fence down for enlarging the back to include the Cut Flower area. Although it was not more then a simple lift of a job. Being my Pink Goddess lost her gear pin during the late Fall tilling, she ran smack into the back fence section! Thankfully the extent was merely a loosening of nails in the end posts.
 In the main garden, I discovered the parsley from last year over wintered & must have begun spreading before the freeze hit. The garlic bulbs I planted {given to us from Mr.J last Fall} are poking up with the chamomile looking bigger each passing week. In the house front garden bed, I became very shocked to see my Greek Oregano looking as though winter never came. This is how I found i yesterday Morn:
I snipped a large section for use in a  red wine, smoked garlic, lemon & Greek oregano marinade for boneless pork chops. Thank you Kalyn's kitchen* for the morsel worthy recipe!
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Even my Lavender & Thyme fence hedge survived! I'm so use to the dying off of woody herb plants, this is a HUGE joy for me.
Ming the Peke accompanied me in the beautiful day of almost 70. She became easily enchanted with our Honey bee's coming to drink from a leaf filled rain puddle just feet away from my work area. The only thing pulling her away after a long spell, was the chatter of our hens approaching from the other side of garden.
It was exactly as they say, a bee line from hive to puddle throughout the warmth of our day.
In between the going on's of our home and my determined & successful goal of swimming laps every morning at the YMCA for a Garden body wake up, the Salad tub finally came forth. I grabbed the bucket from the chicken coop being most of containers were snitched from the garage by snowsuit bundled ragamuffins. 
I planted in the very center, Red Romaine lettuce. Following in a circle around that is French breakfast radish and the outer circle being a speckled butterhead lettuce. All 3 an heirloom for our zap & zing salad tub.
Yes. Yes. I know they do not mature even close to the same days. There are 2 purposes of this indoor garden. One being a source of young salad leaves, harvested young as they are needed as well as a radish allowed to mature beyond, plucked as desired.
No mature heads wanted in this bucket! The second purpose being a source for older thinning's  gently harvested for transplanting into the main garden. Inside a cold frame I have yet to get in place.
Can you believe, just today, moments of snowfall came with the sun shining with temps in the mid 30's F which are closely followed b this entire next week hitting 60F or or higher.
Truly it is like a dream. A tease of garden temptation. Jesting us or taking pity. I'm not sure how to take. But I WILL take it, with a smile of gratitude.
Up ahead, many more plantings to come this month as well as beginning those much anticipated Sweet peas from Owl's Acres, soaking for the last few days.  They will be my first A.M planting activity. More garden clean up, some hunting for wild edible beginnings &romps in the woods. Plus my WineCap mushroom order is expected to ship April 18th.
 The toppping of this early Spring fun? I have a massive road trip which will have me zipping & zapping all over with the last spot being by the bay on the far East coast before heading home. Excitement & delight. but details not to be revealed until I have been given orders.
Remember to take it slow with your physical garden duties. Now is the time where many experience soreness from overdoing it after a winter's rest. If you have the resource to do so, I highly recommend to get your Bum into the pool at your local YMCA. The heated pool at our local spot has been almost a daily routine for me. I was won over with the first 1/2 hour constant laps. My whole body feels more burn & strength from it then if I worked on machines in the gym. Amazing! if they offer it, go for those water aerobics! Don't forget to take your vitamins and with each first passing from inside to outdoors, lean your face up to the sun. Close your eyes breath in with a smile on your lips. Take the moment to soak in & appreciate these beautiful days. 
They are counted, ya know.

Sunny sweet dreams,


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