Tuesday, June 11, 2013

YOU want to build a what? Ha! Good luck with that lady....

There will come various times in life when you let go of some dreams due to various reasons and accumulate others. I sold my vintage camper not because I gave up on the project out of "mood". I sold it because I know when the forces are stacked against you, it's time to move on. When the negatives out weigh the positives to get there, a decision must be made. Seeing her towed away broke my heart. I still mourn her in the sense of a goal never fulfilled and memories that will never be made.
I had other dreams. One being foreign travel. Italy. India. Maybe a jaunt to Scotland or Ireland. I've let go of those dreams. Being a woman, a mother, wife and American citizen does give me the freedom I once embraced. So what to do when faced with such reality? Build new dreams and conquer new territory. March on and stop looking back.
When something strikes my interest I search and eat as much knowledge as I can on it. Just enough knowledge to satisfy the burn. It either becomes an interest I keep or just file away what I gained. I want a life rich with experience and vast knowledge of many areas. When I come to my end, I want a life I can look back upon beyond just content. To have worthy &  inspiring stories to share with my grand & great grandchildren. To say with happy heart and mind "I lived a full life." Not "I was a one hit wonder". 
To others much of what I do and consist of would fit in the category as a bit eccentric.  
Eccentric: " individual's eccentric behavior is perceived to be the outward expression of their unique intelligence or creative impulse. In this vein, the eccentric's habits are incomprehensible not because they are illogical or the result of madness, but because they stem from a mind so original that it cannot be conformed to societal norms"
I wont argue with that.
And so begins a new project. A thought that became a want with determination, met with eye rolling and doubt. After weeks of books and website consumption, I KNEW this is something I must tackle. 
This summer, I will be build... a boat. A wooden plywood sheet boat. Much like this:
Truly, building a small wooden boat for 2 is not as hard as most think it to be. Originally, the thought was to build one simply as a prop. Something to have on the shore edge. As I explored more into the subject, and had wood fed to my fire by a certain Boat yard sales lady who laughed and scoffed as a reply to my question on the difference of exterior & marine wood {her company uses exterior, not marine grade} for differentiating in my plans, I knew it right then. This is an undertaking meant for my book of Life's many Adventures. Should it float for one. Maybe two Lake enjoyment seasons, I am fulfilled. 
Little Man & I are drafting the plans, keeping in mind the various means of proper dimensions to achieve a worthy 12 foot length Flat Bottom Dinghy {aka to some as a Skiff or row boat. The same yet different} using the various books and websites for guidance.
It may very well sink or last no more then a joyful summer on the lake. We are fine by that. This has deeper meaning then what most would or can perceive. And when he gets old, sitting about with his grand & great grandchildren, this may very well be a story of accomplishment he proudly shares. That Summer he & his Mum built a boat out of wood. And whether it sank or succeeded with it's very first voyage. Let's hope it has a happy ending.
Sweetest dreams,


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