Thursday, April 22, 2010

Spring discovery in the woods

Between the rain and occasional warmth, I decided to go hunting Morels & ramps. I found plenty of what appeared to be ramps. A seasonal creek bed found from previous ventures in these woods. Now do take in mind, I had read and seen pictures which describe a purple/maroon skin coming up from the bulb towards the lush green leaves. These did not have that "skin". Instead, it was white. Like a scallion in the store. They smelled like ramps but being a new forager, I did not harvest any in fear this may be an unfavorable look a like. I'll look for more input on these via internet & seasoned foragers. If they are safe, then I know where to dig a bounty of wild leeks.
As for Morels, we found none. We searched for 3 hours and decided the Turkey hunters may have been quicker. It is Spring Turkey hunting time. Most Turkey hunters enjoy hunting for Morels too.
I found my first Trillium. I have only seen these in pictures. As odd as that may seem since I practically live outdoors, this was a first for me.
(all pictures from this post are taken with a Sony FS10 camcorder. )
The purpose of our hike was not just wild edibles. On my last trip into these woods, we came upon a group of wild turkeys. A mere 40 feet away from us. We decided to scout the woods for turkey roosting spots and deer. My "outdoorsmen mentor" Chris, has promised to take me on my first wild turkey & deer hunt this year. Chris did not have children, so I feel fortunate to have that wiser male figure in my life. Panda even jokes about the youth day hunts. "Mom, so is Chris taking you out hunting on youth day?". (youth day hunting is when parents or other adults take children out to hunt and only the children can do the hunting). I'm a bit too old for youth day but I guess...yeah. It is kinda like that. Sorry bud. But that was just funny.
Plenty of tall vines wrapping themselves into the trees. Chris & I become like little kids and swung heartily from Natures playground. Laughing as we bounced off trees, flying through the air. (and the occasional crashing into a tree producing a yell of cuss words).
As we sat to rest on a high landing above a creek, I discovered a "spirit of the forest". A more natural form of the * "man in the tree" pictures I * have posted of previous *adventures.
We park the car at a farm, owned by a friend of Chris's, which connects to these woods. Every visit starts and ends with his wonderful conversations and smiles. I so enjoy playing around his place (and with the baby lambs who are bonded to humans). I am slowly wearing him down to allow a spotlight of his amazing place. I will not give away any spoilers but believe me. He is creative and resourceful. I do not feel you will be disappointed.

We walked out to a portion of the apple orchard to see if any morels could be found among the dead wood and brambles. None. But the scent of apple blossoms was so hypnotizing. Their fresh sweet scent and showering of petals with each breeze are the stuff you envision in blissful dreams. or laundry softener commercials. :)

This time, the mesh bags were empty as we drove away for the day. I did not mind so much since the Spring discoveries were plenty to fill my mind. Plus knowing I'll have plenty of opportunities to go back into those woods.
Off to another spotlight destination this weekend. Super busy for the next 3 in fact. As always, if you know of someone in the 5 hours radius of Akron Ohio, who would make for a great spotlight, please do forward the information to me. If they have a blog, it would be even better so I may contemplate the spotlight much more informed.
Sweet Dreams,


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