Friday, June 3, 2011

Being a part of a community & importance to family

This was my post for after memorial day which I had not published. I am late in sharing but the message is still valid.
Now that we are back in the community we have participated in from afar through the towns Jaycee's and which happens to be my husbands hometown, I see even more of the importance to the structure of family.
We live in a small town, a farming community rich with history of families still here, tied back to it's forming back in the late 1700's. Families whose ancestors have streets named after them. Houses and Farms that are still in the family namesake, created up to two hundred years ago.
We spent our memorial day helping out the township league {no longer the Jaycee's which  had a limited age of participation}. From 8 am at the Boy Scout Pancake breakfast to the prepping of the parade. We hung signs, prepped the flags lining the street on every electric pole and in between, someone handed me their camera & asked I get some good shots of the day for sharing on the towns league site. The kids were with us all the way and had a blast doing it. Their task was to be sure everyone had a flag from one end of our main street to the other.
Frog & panda handing them out by our fire department, next to Town Hall:
And when the crowd really started to fill out, it was time to ride in the golf cart, reaching the far ends of street  a mile down. They especially liked this part {and of course the driver went slower then we could walk but just all the more reason for the kiddos to ride}:
Our children were taught many important lessons this day. They learned about community, the hard work put into such town events and our proudest point was the enhancement of understanding one should have for the American flag. To see war Vets who fought to give us the freedom we do have and to respect them for the sacrifices they have made as well as for the soldiers who are doing so now. They have had problems understanding why their Uncle Army was so far away and could not call very often or come home to see them. The importance of his role and ALL soldiers in trying to keep us safe back home became more clear with the days activities and involvment. It's not about politics. It's about Honor, Respect & Responsibilty.Family & Community.
By being a part of our community, participating with volunteer work that gives not only us, but our children a feeling of Pride. Pride in their community & Pride for their country. Something that can not be taught with just words but actions and involvement by those who are the role models and Parents.
This is their Home town and by example we are teaching them many important life lessons that will carry on into their adulthood. Honesty, truth, dedication and commitment. Things we see lacking in many of those with each new generation. If a child is raised without the feeling of responsibility for more then just to themselves, it will come into play as adults. A Man's word can no longer be trusted as it once was. Responsibility to family & community can only be taught through example and not just by one's words. They learn by example.

After all their hard work we ended the day with family friends. To see so many smiling faces, children running through the sprinklers & playing with water guns in the 90 degree day. Adults enjoying great conversation with good company.A fitting end to a great day.
Full of lasting memories of a happy childhood.
School is almost out for the Summer and the Skies have given us the Sunshine we have been begging for. Time to make more great Summer memories and have some Family fun.
Sweetest dreams,


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