Monday, April 1, 2013

5 Fun Office Pranks You'll Love

With April fools being upon us, there's no better time for an article on super fun office pranks than now! These top 5 pranks are a great way to spice up the work day. As with any prank, these should be used at your own risk and for fun. Any office pranksters should also be on the lookout for payback and retaliation as this post is always a popular one. Enjoy, be safe, and most of all, have fun!

1.) The Jello Mold

Stapler In Jello

Admittedly, this office gag was first on the list as we are huge fans of 'The Office' where we saw it. This simple prank involves a few packets of jello and any type of desktop office accessories used commonly during the workday. In a nut shell, you make the jello and add the calculator or stapler. Needless to say, this one always gets a laugh!

2.) The Wireless Doorbell

Wireless Doorbell

With this prank it's all in the name. To pull this gut buster off properly you'll need a good hiding place and a location of less than 15 feet to ring/laugh from. Three good hiding spots for the wireless doorbell are towards the back of the desk with a piece of duct tape, buried deep within a file in desk side pedestals, and behind the CPU. Remember no to overuse. Once every 5 or so minutes will keep this prank fun for hours!

3.) Keep The Change

Coin Glued To Floor

This ones an old favorite! Take a couple quarters and stick them to the ground outside the office. Then, find a good hiding place. You'll be cackling up a storm at just how many people try repeatedly to pry the coins from the ground. A non permanent adhesive is advised to ensure this gag finds a proper ending.

4.) The Interior Decorator

Wait until that certain coworker leaves for lunch. Once out, remove all their important items and rearrange their office furniture carefully. This prank goes wrong in a hurry if you accidentally drop a beloved family photo! Once back from lunch the look of confusion will set in quickly on your pals face. Once confused, walk over with a straight face and say how your boss has informed you that office has a new interior decorator and you are all getting new office chairs and office desks this week. If they haven't caught on, enjoy further enhancing the situation. Suggest that they are required to go online and find ergonomic furniture and other products they like as suggestions to provide your boss by the end of the day. If you can get them to take a list of office products they like to the boss, consider yourself a prank master!

5.) Wrong Number

This is a great one to pull on a fun boss. It's even better if you get the office to play along. Have everyone call your bosses line throughout the workday. Make sure to have everyone ask for the same made up person like 'Mike' for example. Then at the end of the day, have a non office friend swing by in a suit and say "Where there any messages for Mike today". You can really get creative with this one, but it's always fun.


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