Thursday, June 14, 2012

Love Adress Plaques

Door in Wall of Montepulciano

Have you ever noticed that when your friends return from a vacation with their vacation photos there are a lot of photos of doors.  There’s something about a big, weathered oak door with wrought iron hinges or a solid wall with just a beautiful door that taunts a tourist to take a shot for eternity. We went so far as to buy a picture of a door.  In Florenzia we bought from an artist an original piece of art titled “Door of the Supplicant.”  It now is framed and hangs in our living room.

I plead guilty to this fascination with doors and included in this fascination is one for residential address plaques. There are so many ways to announce to all who pass that this address is special.  There are bronze address plaques that just announce the number on the street or welcome you to the Landfair’s or do all that with a theme.  In the west hills where I drive often, the theme might be dueling bucks.  The plaques can be fastened to the house, be hanging to move in the wind or be mounted on a post. I’m not partial to the posts. I’ve seen too many knocked sideways.

Then there are the custom address plaques that catch the eye.  Mine might say, “Welcome to the road less traveled.” I don’t invite many guests over.  Some plaques can double as safety items around the pool: a life preserver that says “H.M.S Landfair.”  When Amber our first Golden Retriever died, she was cremated.  We planted her ashes in a park nearby where she loved to chase squirrels.  Wouldn’t it be great to plant a pet memorial plaque with her name and date on the site?


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