Saturday, June 2, 2012

Time For Green Training

We read so much every day about new developments that are LEED certified.  Many designers and architects have taken many hours of training to achieve their certification to design the new buildings.
But what about the 130 million homes that were built before modern energy and building codes were established. Where does the consumer go for qualified advice to bring their home up to the new standards? Where does the interior designer, architect or contractor get the knowledge to add this element to their repertoire?

The Building Performance Institute, Inc. (BPI) offers bpi certificationto those taking bpi training in Residential & Commercial Energy Analysis, Building Performance Contracting, Solar Design a& Installation, Commercial Lighting and Assessment, Facility Energy Management, Indoor Air Quality, and Green Building Design.

In June 2012 the BPI will extend its certifications to energy auditor, retrofit installer, crew leader and quality control inspector. If you want to be involved in the energy upgrade industry, you might consider getting trained. The best part is the classes are offered by BPI and funded by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).

By becoming a bpi building analyst, you will be able help homeowners in those 130 million homes improve their comfort and safety and reduce their energy bills. I don’t need to tell you how the rising prices of energy have impacted the consumer’s wallet. Your knowledge will help homeowners qualify for utility incentive programs that range from tax credit, grants, loans and rebate programs.  Here’s a link to the many programs just in the State of Oregon. 

This is the time to grow a new business or add to your existing one


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