Sunday, June 10, 2012

Monday Mojo..... Something To Remember...

The phrase 'it's a once in a lifetime experience' usually only gets thrown around in reference to massive events or rare opportunities.

But, when you think about it, every moment, no matter how big, how small, how magnificent, or how insignificant, can only happen once.

I think finding joy in the smallest moments can play a part in helping us through the darker ones, and keeping hope alive by finding our inner spark can connect us to inner happiness (or at least give us strength to make it through).

As a friend of mine always says when life's giving him a hard time, the alternative (not having a life to give him a hard time), isn't great.

And, even if I'm having a crappy time of it and I feel like balling my eyes out, I always try to remind myself that at least I can FEEL. I'm alive, and I can feel. I can experience the depths of life (oh the DRAMA of it!!), which makes the wonderful moments all the sweeter.

Happy Monday Lovelies! This week, may you treasure all the moments of your wonderful life, no matter what they are, for they will never come again.

And, of course, 'may your mojo be with you'.

Linda. xox


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