Saturday, June 9, 2012

Window Box Planters For The Neighbors

We have a small tradition in our neighborhood.  When we get a new neighbor, the existing neighbors contribute toward the purchase of a window box planter for the new family. The planter given to us was a cedar box, 36” X 10” X 10” given to us in 1995 and it still sits on the deck today. 

In a change from past years, Bev just filled it with one tomato plant and two basil plants.  I can taste the pesto she’ll make now. Most years it is planted with Cosmos, because they are tall and look pretty in the summer.

Many times we give plants to our mothers on Mother’s Day or plants as get well presents, but how many times do we give window boxes that can be mounted or set on decks and porches.  They come in a variety of shapes and sizes and materials from vinyl, wood, metal and fiberglass.

We’ve noticed that the terracotta pots on the deck, seem to suffer in the winter even if we are able to bring them to a sheltered part of the deck. We find they split and flake off.  Our friend Carol made us some great pots from rolled clay slabs, but they also have suffered.  I suspect it’s time to repot our plants with different materials.


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