Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Back to the solar pit ~underground garden...

The greenhouse I spoke of in the last post is a no go. There would be too much work involved and the matter of digging close to the house base structure is not something i wish to do at this house. remember, each project we start in this home that involves anything except painting or not removing anything has brought bad effects and more money spent to fix the previous guy's shady work. So I am not going to even think about what would happen if we had to put in a footer for an attached greenhouse- 30 inches below ground level...shiver. No Thank you!
So back to the underground garden idea......
Finally found a picture of the cold frame or "solar pit"or earth berm greenhouse,which ever you would like to call it. i prefer solar pit. It is not really a greenhouse. Being a walk in with cold frame construction on a more larger scale.

This is almost exact to what we are planning to build: Got a wonderful "hook up" for the cement block from a local company- who wishes to remain anonymous at this point of the stage. Normal retail is around $2.50 a block. We are getting them for 50 cents a block. they may not be all the same color and they may be considered seconds due to color irregularities, but who cares when you are putting it underground and the only eyes to spy them will be those invited into the 'sacred plant pit".

I will be making a tutorial as we go through the process and am not sure if i will submit it for another sites article or share it here. Will depend on whether that site would be interested in this as a tutorial or would prefer an actual article on something else.
We still have the cordwood chicken coop to find a place to build. Zoning knows about the solar pit since I called to ask about regulations- which they are very vague and need the Administrator to approve the project first. So I need to be on my toes and not go against any regulations.
I like the Administrator. I just do not play well with some of the others....

So....Anyone wanna help build this thing? This month? over the next week?
I still need to ask Tractor boy to bring his new toy over and dig the pit for me. he has a front loader and it's only going to be about 3 to 3 1/2 feet deep. Just enough below frost line with room for the cement block.
The 4 poster bed is still not painted. The last weekend was way too nice to stay inside for that. Guess i better find some time this week to get it done before the solar pit gives me more excuses to post pone the chore.
Sweet dreams, Tammie


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