Friday, March 27, 2009

Put some magic back in the garden!

Try some unusual ways to grow your garden this year. Think about what you have seed for and what you may need for interesting views for the visits in the garden.
How about adding some different colored lettuce in a wide open tub or kiddie pool. Make designs such as a peace symbol (That was Panda's request) or like this "aww" inspiring spiral:
Now think about what climbing veggies or fruits you are going to grow. climbing beans? Cucumbers? Squash? or maybe even some small melons?
I have drooled after the Bean arch I have seen over at Pile o' Melay's for some time now, as many others have. I am using some of the extra fencing we have left from the old animal pen to do just.
Grow some climbing garden food plants over arches. Here is a great pic showing cucumbers at an early stage to give you a better view on how to make one yourself(a pic off the net- not mine):
It does not have to stop there. You could do tepee designs or border a few sides of the large garden with walls of climbing plants.
do not stick to the ordinary straight rows and poles for your garden this year. Get creative and add some interest that wow your friends and family. gardening is an art form in itself. Why not add more interesting forms to it?
My baby brother Army and his Fiance Ms. marine are moving into their first house together down in Texas. So excited to hear she is into gardening and they are interested in my kind of lifestyle. I am putting together some seeds out of my stash to send down to them for their first garden. Along with some printouts of pictures/how to's on some of the things I write about here on my blog such as this one to inspire their creativity. Of course...what is a package from his big sister without some homebaked goodies... I miss that big goober and wish so much he was closer. Maybe Ms. Marine would nudge him north? But of course she has family down there so I would understand if not.
The zipline is up and has enteratined almost every child in our 'hood. The solar pit has still not been dug but I did get all the lumber and such for it's top portion. The tobacco has been seeded. The spanish peanuts and collard seeds are on their way and will be started indoors as soon as they arrive. The 4 lemon and 1 lime dwarf tree will not be shipped out till mid April.
Lil Man's birthday is the 4th so I making him the see saw I posted a few back. Almost done with it. The tiller is acting up and Tractor boy has been so kind trying to figure out what is going on with it.
we are planting more ginger in window box's and i picked up some ale yeast for making ginger ale from scratch.
Rain keeps coming so I guess I best catch up on the indoor chores and activities.
Sweet dreams,


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