Tuesday, July 14, 2009

New things showing up on the urban farm...

We picked up a new rooster. A silver laced Wyandotte who has tentatively been named Mon Senior. He is such a good guy. He Eats from my hand plus is kind to Ray Ray the silkie roo and the ladies of the pen including the rabbits. Looks like he will fit in just fine here.

As I did my weeding check, after The Captain banished the ground hive of Bee's, I stumbled upon this shallow nest:

My first thought was that Chubs was playing in the garden between the sunflowers and Delicata squash during her escape of the rabbit tractor. (The Captain has a few kinks to work out with his wheel placement method, but she is tame enough to come to me after a bit of freedom in the yard and chase of Grizzle sniffing her out of the wood pile).
So as I moved the fur, much to my shock, I found a nest of these:

On the subject of the Hops, they seem to have put out some nice hop fruits this year:

As to the vegetables, I have something I do not remember planting. I know I seeded Jarrahdale pumpkins and patty pan squash in the same flat with my long pie pumpkins, but these are white large squash and not grey like the Jarrahdale...

Anyone want to throw out some guesses? I am stumped on this one, especially since it was from my own saved seed.
The San Marzano (sun dried tomato/paste variety) which are drastically behind the tomatoes I started inside, while we still had a blanket of snow on the ground:

Here are some other garden firsts of the season-
The first sunflower which has been enjoyed by a few bugs:

Some of the Purple green beans which name escapes me at the moment-something violete'..

We have been harvesting the Triumph De Farcey green beans for a week now. I should have enough for a few bags at the Market.
A black cherry tomato soon to be ripe enough for a salad:

And Romaine lettuce in one of the raised beds for Market sales. Notice the eggplant leaves? Yep, Never fails that my eggplants here always end up like this.

I also have about 8 cups of wild Black Raspberries picked and will be taking Panda in the morning to get more. Making up some wild Blackberry jam for the Market and have Fresh organic Blueberries to pick Wednesday and Thursday for Market, too.
It is suppose to Rain Wednesday, so I hope to get my July sewing project done. If you could not tell by the clues and pictures, it is a throw rug made from Thick upholstery fabric I picked up from the clearance aisle for $3 a yard, normally $22 a yard. I have a trick to share on keeping the edges flat and not "kick up" with use.
I have bread to get in the oven and more Biga starter to ready for Bread.The plan is to bake up 8 loaves Thursday before the Farmers market. I am lacking in some of the items I had hoped to be ready by then so the extras I am making should help out.
The Captain is on Vacation this week so I hope to get us away from here at least 1 night for some camping with the kids. Can't go too far due to the animals but I was thing maybe down by New Philadelphia, where his dad grew up.
I guess we will see.
Sweet dreams,


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