Monday, August 17, 2009

Heads up! Turkey puke!

I made a very satisfying trade this weekend with Beth and Kevin. A few box's of Canning Jars for 2 of these:

I bought the third so we could have a Tom for Thanksgiving and a breeding pair to keep.
I have only had the chick turkey's so these juveniles are a whole new adventure!
For starts...I did not know that a turkey could fly as high and as far as the female did last night. She flew from the pen almost to our house...Of course the truck was parked next to the house so I could unload them earlier in the day. See how far that is?
A good 35 feet- maybe more with her a good 10 feet high.
Well in flight, The Captain had his back turned from the pen and I yell "Head's up! Turkey!"
But then I notice some white liquid coming from her mouth (later I figured it was from the milk we put in a bowl from the kid's half filled left over cups- nothing goes to waste).
She missed the Captain with her projectile but his truck did not. She tried to land on the top and came down into the opened driver's door, leaving a wonderful splash of turkey vomit on the door and roof...
The Captain grabbed the turkey as she fell against the door and I started laughing so hard while backing away from the drooling bird. He kept trying to hand her to me and I just could not do it. I was laughing so hard trying to run away from his out stretched turkey filled arms. Of course the neighbors sitting on their porch watching the whole thing along with the people looking at the House for Sale across the road, could be heard laughing as well

She got a wing clipped to prevent any more air time as well as her male friends.
So now...we have Turkeys! And I am so happy to have them. It is so awesome to hear their gobbling and peep noises while outside. I so love it! Thank you ever so much Beth and Kevin! It was a pleasure meeting and chatting with you both. I could have hung around for hours more at your place. Such a nice set up and plenty of space to explore!
And Flipper is such a sweet goose. Better then a mean looking watch dog. An intimidating noise and fluff followed by such sweetness.

Let's add another project to the never ending list. I have a rope bridge to build, connecting the tree house platform on the "new to us" tree house swing set a neighbor was given by a neighbor, at the new home they bought.
Tractor Boy and his dad moved it to align the spots for a rope bridge to span between the 2. Too heavy to do by hand, so they brought out one of the tractors for the the job.
I still have some leveling to do this week & am thinking the 5 foot distance is perfect for a bridge. That old multi color tarp is going to the trash and a camo one will be put in it's place.
Still no word from my brick guy so I think I will see if my money will go to another company that may match the pricing. Another stall in getting the solar pit built- PLUS they are calling for a week of rain... I just hope the pit stands strong and does not cave in the sides with all that rain.
I am trying a new bread this week at market. I sell out very quick with what I bring and it is so nice to hear people say they come JUST for my bread. They bring their mom's and friends and tell them to get there early since I sell out so quick.
I am trying a dill flavor Artisan bread from my Macrina Bakery book. So far I have done the Tomato spinach basil Rustic Italian, Garlic Rosemary and a Rosemary red onion Rustic Italian. I only have 10 pans and the bread is almost 2 days to make. After making the Biga starter 2 days before then making the bread (a total of 3 hours process before the pan rising time)They sit in the bread pans for 6-8 hours over night for rising in the fridge then I bake all morning of the market day. I need more pans!
I charge $2.50 a loaf. I go by that price after seeing other bread artisans charging $3 a loaf or 2 for $5. I will not charge more then what I would pay myself for something. I refuse to take advantage of people. Yes, I need a profit and do get one, but no reason to over charge for something as they do at the yuppy Farmer's markets.
So, new turkey's, new play set, new bread. And the current project I am TRYING to also work on is the new garden sink. I bought a very nice white enamel/porcelain coated steel heavy sink off Craigslist for $10. A few scratches in the back corner but nothing bad. I like it SO MUCH more then out current sink I have conned ...I mean asked the Captain to remove our old sink which is a stainless steel light weight crap and put in the new one. It is deeper too!
I can't wait for him to finally get them switched since the sink counter table is built and awaiting the sink to be placed before I can tile it. Then it will be moved into Western front corner of the garden( gate trellis end) where I will use some of my flat river rock for a "patio corner" effect.
He keeps putting me off but if it is not done today, then I will just do it myself- garbage disposal and all. Now where did I put that DIY book with instructions on sinks...
Sweet Dreams,


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