Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Shall I build a ship or just be a stronger swimmer?

I have been on a "blah" roll as of late. Not whining. Just explaining why I have been so absent. I have been working between rainfalls on the pizza/bread outdoor oven. I have not gone past the brick raised base... I have been drooling over machetes to cut down the weeds which have in some spots grown thicker and taller then my plants in one 4 day spell of rain! I have been trying to sell of alot of extra's in the house such as one of 2 patio couch sets...I mean really.Do we need outdoor seating for 15? Or that hutch which collects dust in the basement and I really do not like it's look anyway.
The worst part is all my red tomatoes(the marmandes) have rotted before fully ripening thanks to this immense daily fall of water from the gods. I mean hey. Guys! Can you possible use a wider spray to thin out where it falls? I am all for sufficient rainfall but getting so much rain that the ground is not having a chance to dry out before the next is getting out of control. And the staying between 75-82 F degrees in freaking July and August?!! O.k Now I am whining...
I am just disgusted by my garden. This is the worst garden I have ever had. My weeds are more abundant then the produce. I just want to go in there with a brush hog and wipe the slate clean again.
Next year's best friend? Black weed blocker cloth for the immense 100X60 plot! And the pond is down..The pump is having issues and a coon ate all but 2 very quick bluegill. No more orange slimers swimming around adding color to the green brown water.LOL
Now on to better happier happenings.
I am trying to get enough money from all the extra's in this place to buy a oh so cute and much (inspired from Gina at Caldron Ridge) vintage camper adventure. I was entertaining the idea of one and then I read Gina's post....I was hooked and following her a jump into adventure!
I found 2 I would like at an amazing price that I can renovate this winter.
One is in Michigan 4 hours from here and the other 1 hour away. Now I just need to raise $400 to decide which one I get... Both are in great shape inside and the outside just needs some TLC.
The michigan one:
And the local one:

I am doing the big Hartville Flea market this weekend, which brings in over 1,ooo people on Saturday's. I am crossing fingers I can bring in at least $100 that day from our produce table. I plan to bring the patio set to sell with our produce, jams, breads and dry mix's. I also have the local market on Friday late afternoon. So maybe I can make $200 total from the two(with the sale of the patio included.)
Wish me luck! 2 more weeks until the sun pit is finished being dug and it should...I repeat ready the end of September. Just in time for some winter sowing.
Then it's time for that cordwood chicken coop/rabbit retreat!
Sweet dreams,


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