Friday, November 20, 2009

Grab that turkey! Check out these windows and we have green!

There are times in the life of an aspiring succesful homesteader, there are some things you just do not think about. Despite the vast knowledge she may devour from books and internet, the little things seem to get over looked.
Where should I begin? Ahh yes, it was mid morning as I head out with scraps for my lovelies. My favorite Tom "Stuffing" purrs out his beautiful greeting gobble. His pale head and neck skin becoming red as he becomes more excited, being that my presence meant treats. As he gets a bit closer, I notice something on his chest, slightly coming out from under the feathers. I'm trying to check it out as he ravishes the pasta and other leftover plate scrapings. Trying to maintain a non freak out moment of "What the H is on his chest.", Thanksgiving comes running up to get his share. (Yes I have yet to process...This weekend for sure...maybe). I notice he too seems to have something like a burr on his chest area.
As I stood there contemplating where they would have wandered that burrs would be and what if it is not a burr, I started slowly creeping up on them. As they slowly eased away with that look of "what the H is she doing", the chase began. I'm freaking out. The turkeys are freaking out and I have The Captain yelling out "Is today the day?". I guess he thought I was trying to catch Thanksgiving....
So I get these guys cornered in the pen. Now consider the fact a turkey wing span is about 5 times that of a chicken. And stronger. Much stronger. I finally got Stuffing in my grasp, most likely because he was too fat to jump the fence like his friends who gobbled "C'ya sucker" as they ran for the hill.
His wing kept smacking me in the face and I finally got him in the football hold a few face scratches later.
 He is staring at me and is obviosly not happy of his capture.
So I grab that burr and...Well. It turns out this Unusual Farm Chick as she went through her checklist of what is that on his chest, did not factor in...Turkey Tom's grow beards. On their chests.
So let that be a lesson to all who travel this way, Tom Turkey's grow beards and they look like a burr when they start to grow one.

As to my windows, I must share what I was given from an old home. It was the kind of excitment that had me doing the giddy dance. Pefect for my Pit greenhouse. The right look. The right amount. The right price. FREE!

The larger window you see in the middle, opens and has wood frame screens which have an odd hooking system but makes it where they too can be swung open. I already envision a summer night with the windows fully open and being safe from the bites of mosquitos hidden away watching the moon from the comfort of my Sun Pit.
I had a tiny problem with framing of which i hope to have fixed this weekend. More rain. More cold. So Saturday The Captain will be home and we will try to finish up.

I started Spinach, Brussell Sprouts, and I think it was scallions (see profile for unorganized gardner) up in my mini winter cold frame beds. Friday I am working on a mini greenhouse for the garden so I can continue with our Fall/winter growth.

We have compile a list of what vegetables are consumed in this home. How often are they consumed. The same for Fruits, herbs and items we grow for the feathered and furry. This is to help make a better garden plan so we may try our hand at growing every vegetable we would consume from late summer 2010 to the next in 2011. This will also help keep things a bit more organized in the starting season and as a way to get my large garden space put to a more out putting use. ( The Captain seems to think I am joking about taking over his garden space. I'm not. He will just have play pumpkin and corn farmer in his plot.)
I hope the weather holds out for a special photo shoot of my wee ones which will be for one of our Tisane labels. I spotted the most perfect 1907 picture I had hoped to use for this particular Tisane which unfortunately is now owned by someone new... So I will do my best to imitate the feel and look of the picture which will of course be B&W.
I have school lunches to ready for the kids and a certain Frog who seems to wake at odd hours like her Mum.
Coming soon! Another Nordic Ware Giveaway! A hint? It's not a scone pan but makes breath taking beautiful tea Breads.
Sweet Dreams,


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