Friday, November 6, 2009

Nordic Ware "bakeware" Giveaway!

So much talk of scones has our home emanating fresh baked scents. The blueberry with lemon glaze scones are a huge hit with my kids. I found this light distinct scone recipe over on the Food network web page by Tyler Florence.
Wonder how mine came out so perfect in shape and color? Oh my dear friends the secret is in the pan. But not just any pan will do. Your baking world will forever change with what I played with all week and have to share with you. A new one for you. Not the one I played with. I hold that in the secret bake ware cabinet where no other woman, man or child shall pass. My most treasured pans are stored in there for fear of someone getting the bright idea to use it for a purpose I would highly frown upon.(Think stove top or grill. Oh~ it has happened... Which is why the sacred cabinet was born.)
If you are not one of the lucky recipients of the King Arthur scone mix, no worries. Here is your chance for more scone delight and the perfect baking must have.

The Nordic Ware "Mini Scone" pan! A Heavyweight cast aluminum design.
Instead of the normal 8 portion circle pan, this is divided into 16 scones with a square shape. This way you can indulge like you are being naughty by eating that second scone (or third in my case), but truly it is like having 1 regular size.

I love so much about this company and their bake ware. I am deeply honored to have their participation with our giveaway.
Their bake ware is MADE IN THE USA. They follow Green sustainable business practices and have been recognized by their county and state of manufacturing with "Green recognition awards". They continue to make improvements moving their company to an even more Green status. Just click here for more information. A must read for those who wish to know more about their Green ways and non use of heavy metals & PFOA's.
These average in retail about $32. You can buy direct from their site here if your local store does not carry them. Of course they offer more then this scone pan. Have a look around and get those holiday wish lists going!

Now enough of my soapbox. What about the giveaway? No hoops to jump or mathematical equations to answer. A simple comment saying "I must have that awesome pan" will do. No you do not have to put exactly that. Just get your name in the "Bean pot" before November 14,2009.
Entry comments must be in before midnight Eastern time Friday November 13,2009. One entry per person.
I have a few more Nordic Ware items for you to chance at before this year ends. There will be a giveaway of a tea time related item(s) almost every week till 2010.
Why you may ask? Not just as a debut to my Tisane blends. It is because YOU deserve it. Those who tag along on our adventures through my blog and those who have been following along on our adventures from the very beginning almost 4 years ago. The ups, the downs. The fun and hysterical along with the sad and not so great times.
I have spent many days & hours researching the best companies and prizes to offer you. I wish I could send each and every one of you a great prize, but alas you would break the bank dearies. So I offer these giveaways as my Thank You for your support and friendship through the years and those who may have just stumbled upon my humble blog of adventures.
Your comments, your support, sharing your own adventures through blogging. You give me so many smiles and laughter with the occasional good cry. I have gone from feeling like a lone soldier in my way of living to the big meadow of many in "Blogdom".
Now enough sappy talk. Get your entry in!
Good luck to all! and of course...
Sweet Dreams,
~Tammie Mary Poppins 10/31/09


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