Wednesday, November 4, 2009

How much is that turkey in the window?

If You have not done so, Be sure to leave your comment entry for the King Arthur Scone mix giveaway in my previous post here*. The deadline for entry is Midnight November 6,2009. Just 2 more days left!
As most know by now, I let my Chickens and Turkey's roam the property when I can get away with it. As of late it has been at their own leisure. Gate left open~ Come home when ya' want style. Of course they wander back to sleep ON the fence and not IN their coop. At least the hens use it to lay their eggs. Just not IN the nest box. Instead it is ON the ground in a corner of the coop. Can't win 'em all.
So where am I going with this...Oh yeah.. So of course the chickens and turkey's seem to mysteriously know where they are allowed and not allowed to go. They have about 2 1/2 acres for their bug eating pleasure. Not all on land we own but the connecting neighbors enjoy their visitors and the free bug patrol.
So one neighbor from way down the road saw my turkeys in the ditch doing that thing they do and parked his car all excited. My friend Jeannie came down the road and he waved her over "Look! There's wild turkeys up real close!". She looked at him like he was crazy and said "No. Those are Tammie's turkey's. She lets them out with the chickens to eat bugs and fresh grass." Then because she was able to utilize some fiction and fact from Tammie's almanac, rather smugly explained, "Those are Narraganset. They were bred from European turkey's and American wild turkeys when the Europeans brought their turkey's with them long ago". HA! I knew she was an excellent student. So they sat and watched the turkeys and at some point he said "So their not wild?"
Umm..... nope....

I have come to LOVE the big Tom we have named "stuffing". Hey- at least he is not named Thanksgiving like the other Tom! I have become so fond of him in fact, I feed from my hand each time I am out working in the yard. He may not always accept but I think he may be coming around.
Why else would he come looking through my house back windows and gobble. I swear he is trying to call my attention. As soon as I poke my head out the back door, he comes running. Of course The Captain can not let such a moment go unnoticed and commented"I draw the line at lap turkey's"...
Oh but honey, he likes me!"

Be sure to check back soon for another great giveaway beginning Saturday November 7,2009.
You will not want to miss all the great stuff I have for you to "chance" at winning.
Sweet dreams,


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