Saturday, November 14, 2009

My odd pics and winner of the week!

This beautiful weather has afforded more time to finish the Solar pit greenhouse. I am building the trusses and should have the old windows in place on Monday. I rarely have time during the week to do much of anything that is outside which leaves me with little time just for me.
So I escape. Escape into my mind and just let it create images. I wrap my mind around how I could recreate those images. Where can I go to take the shot? What sun lighting or time of year would be needed? And the outfits...How I so love thrift store shopping in my rare alone time looking for outfits , of which I may use in my rather odd secret escape of photography.Don't laugh..O.K you may very well laugh and wonder what was I thinking to set up and snap these pics...
(Don't ask...I have no idea why my mind comes up with these things...)
Sometimes I get these images in my head for pictures and it becomes overwhelming. I know at that time, it is best to grab the camera. Try to attempt what my sublimal mind is screaming. I kinda think of these as my horror movie picture series but that was not the intent. Being the photographer AND the subject makes it rather hard to get that perfect image you are after. 3 hours into setting up and snapping pics, I gave up. I could not get the face angle right, The clothes to flow as I wanted or just could not get it timed perfect with the timer.
Much easier to do when YOU are not the subject of your own photographs.
The image still breezes around in my head and I have at least pacified those creative screams for a little while longer. But I already feel it raring up again with all this beautiful weather.
My "looking for the rabbit hole to hide in" or "scared girl running through the woods barefoot as a creepy loner follows her path" picture:

This one was my attempt to create a woman swirling in the morning's sunshine as it beams onto a forest path. Grass still cool from the evenings mist.
My "Gypsy laughter" through the forest.
I have no idea what to say about this one.... but I rather like it.
After getting the images downloaded, I edit them into sepia or B & W. Adjust a few things and play around until I feel it is the best at the moment.
I can not wait till the Pit greenhouse is done. I already have images running through my head along with a child's tea party. I need to expand my thrift store playground. I need to find more vintage clothes...
But that all may likely bore you and I have stalled enough. Frog stirred and flipped the many names in the bean pot and finaly pulled out 1 slip of paper. On that paper the name was....
So we now have a winner for the first Nordic ware Giveaway.
Congratulations Maria! I wish you much happiness and many many years of wonderful scone making.
No worries to all who entered and did not get the Scone pan. I have plenty more Nordic ware for over the next month and you have more chances to get your hands on another AWESOME bakeware product which Nordic Ware has ever so generously provided for our giveaways.
Of course not every prize will be bakeware. I have a wonderful company who has been in business for over 100 years and is sending some very cool items for you to chance at. (tea related of course).
Now, I must be off. That Solar pit greenhouse will not finish itself. I have Frog's 4th birthday on Monday and a "waterfall tinkerbell cake" to whip up....Plus I have a turkey which will be given some extra love and thank you's this week. After all Thanksgiving is just around the corner. And in our home, I always say my "gratitude prayers" and give extra yummies to any animal who is providing my family with food. I think it may be from the Indian way's I picked up when my Gypsy roaming family followed the Pow Wow trail many many moons ago. (No we are not Gypsy descent and I mean no insult to those who may be. I use the title as reference to the homeless life we lived).
I hope those who have this sunshine to enjoy are utilizing it to hit the trails and find some wild foods to forage for winter. I plan to hit my favorite rose Hip area once more before the sun is shadowed once again with clouds.
Sweet dreams,


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