Wednesday, November 3, 2010

How to turn a dead corner into a cozy seating area

The 'dungeon'...or our 'non-room'.

We have a room in our house that used to be the kitchen before an extension was put on by the previous owners, after which the old kitchen area became a redundant bit of the house. More like a through-way with two doors coming off it. It's become part of the hallway, dark, undefined, a bit strange really. We have always struggled with this room and even named it 'the dungeon' for a long time because of its darkness. Painting it white made a big difference (it used to be orange!), as did the photographs we have hanging on the walls, which give it a bit of a 'gallery' feel. But we still only used the room to walk through to the 'new' kitchen, didn't give a purpose.
The bench sits where the brown cupboard used to be (see above)

And then I had this idea last weekend and created a cozy seating area, so it would be a place where we would like to hang out before, during or after cooking dinner. A place a bit more comfy than sitting at the dining table.

I found a redundant coffee table upstairs, which I thought would make an excellent low bench - and it did. I covered it with one of my Moroccan throws and some cushions (and my newly found vintage crochet blanket from the charity shop!) and I think it works quite well. It's low, but that's OK. What do you think?

I have sat here every night since I created the space earlier this week. It's a great, cozy place to sit with the laptop while keeping an eye on the dinner at the same time. And the cats love it too.


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