I am in love. Not the puppy love kind that fades with time. Oh no. This one is as fresh as it was with the first touch of it's cold red metal.
As you may have noticed, we have a new supporter of my Homesteading Adventure videos. One I have been seeking since the beginning of the video idea. A product that every homesteader should have and exceeds all others in it's class. I put a lot of time into researching and trying to find an essential Homesteading product to meet demands of what many seek. I have experienced rudeness, hang ups, poor (and I mean mind blowing poor!) customer service. Shameful business practice plus many companies that may tout a decent product but fail in almost all aspects of being a business about the consumer. That is unacceptable. Why would I endorse any company that would behave in any of these manners towards me? If I am treated this way, how will they treat all of you? Then....I found her. THE one. Surpassing all others in every aspect.
My first contact was while attending the Mother Earth news fair. Quickly,I found I was not alone being smitten for this new toy. I just can not hold it in any longer. My intention was to introduce the GrainGrinder in the Spring with our Growing grain on a small scale videos.
I found one that is owned & operated by a family in Montana. When I say Operated, I mean EVERY aspect of the company has the family hand print. From the engineering blueprints Randy made when his wife requested a grain grinder, the tool/work shop, the superior customer service, all the way to the office. Bonnie, Randy and their children, are the Down to Earth people behind this entire operation. Meeting Bonnie, truly an amazing & humble woman, at the Fair was a blessing. Their Grain grinder was everything I have searched for. Everything I have heard so many say they wanted in a grinder.A comment she said during our conversation has stuck with me. " We believe every family should have access to healthy grains". Not only have they produced an outstanding product, they have made it so every family can succeed in doing so. The jaw dropping bonus... THEY HAVE LAYAWAY!
First some facts. This is the ONLY grain grinder I have found to be 100% American made. Every single piece of it. Cleaning is so easy, Frog needed no help after grinding the flour.Very little effort is needed when hand cranking the wheat berries into a fine flour. Outputting averages 1 cup of flour PER minute! So easy that Frog is happy to take a turn, when she can wrestle it away from Lil Man..

Using the exclusive GrainBreaker auger, you can grind oily media such as coffee & flax seed.,It will grind peanuts or Sunflower seed into Sun butter/peanut butter. The options and the very little energy effort needed, impress the heck out me (and the crowds of people surrounding their small booth at the fair.). A lifetime warranty on an AMERICAN product, FAMILY owned & made Grinder. It is Formed, NOT cast, steel. The list could go on & on so it's best you just hop over to their grain mill grinder website and see for yourself why my love for GrainGrinder will be ever lasting.

Not to mention, with your Modest priced purchase of a GrainMaker grinder, a 5 pound bag of Prairie Gold White Spring wheat berries will be found inside the box. Thanks to the partnership of Wheat Montana. The price is an excellent deal and if 4 people or more chip in on the layaway payments, Mom would have a kickbutt gift that I bet returns many delicious breads and maybe even some Sunflower seed butter to go on it. (better then Peanut butter, hands down in this family).
What a difference it makes by grinding your own wheat into flour. We made the above loaves and all around statements of "mom this is better then the other bread you make" were unanimous.
Soft wheat sandwich bread that far outweighed any store bought loaves.
Stay tuned for another visit into our kitchen Homesteading adventures video, later this week. I will share the recipe and experience of our new Toy. Now go on. Get over to their website Grainmaker.com to see for yourself.
Our first snow of the season is here and while children are sledding and hot cocoa is waiting, I have a few more loaves to make for friends. Happy grinding!
Sweet Dreams,

My first contact was while attending the Mother Earth news fair. Quickly,I found I was not alone being smitten for this new toy. I just can not hold it in any longer. My intention was to introduce the GrainGrinder in the Spring with our Growing grain on a small scale videos.
I found one that is owned & operated by a family in Montana. When I say Operated, I mean EVERY aspect of the company has the family hand print. From the engineering blueprints Randy made when his wife requested a grain grinder, the tool/work shop, the superior customer service, all the way to the office. Bonnie, Randy and their children, are the Down to Earth people behind this entire operation. Meeting Bonnie, truly an amazing & humble woman, at the Fair was a blessing. Their Grain grinder was everything I have searched for. Everything I have heard so many say they wanted in a grinder.A comment she said during our conversation has stuck with me. " We believe every family should have access to healthy grains". Not only have they produced an outstanding product, they have made it so every family can succeed in doing so. The jaw dropping bonus... THEY HAVE LAYAWAY!
First some facts. This is the ONLY grain grinder I have found to be 100% American made. Every single piece of it. Cleaning is so easy, Frog needed no help after grinding the flour.Very little effort is needed when hand cranking the wheat berries into a fine flour. Outputting averages 1 cup of flour PER minute! So easy that Frog is happy to take a turn, when she can wrestle it away from Lil Man..

Using the exclusive GrainBreaker auger, you can grind oily media such as coffee & flax seed.,It will grind peanuts or Sunflower seed into Sun butter/peanut butter. The options and the very little energy effort needed, impress the heck out me (and the crowds of people surrounding their small booth at the fair.). A lifetime warranty on an AMERICAN product, FAMILY owned & made Grinder. It is Formed, NOT cast, steel. The list could go on & on so it's best you just hop over to their grain mill grinder website and see for yourself why my love for GrainGrinder will be ever lasting.

Not to mention, with your Modest priced purchase of a GrainMaker grinder, a 5 pound bag of Prairie Gold White Spring wheat berries will be found inside the box. Thanks to the partnership of Wheat Montana. The price is an excellent deal and if 4 people or more chip in on the layaway payments, Mom would have a kickbutt gift that I bet returns many delicious breads and maybe even some Sunflower seed butter to go on it. (better then Peanut butter, hands down in this family).
What a difference it makes by grinding your own wheat into flour. We made the above loaves and all around statements of "mom this is better then the other bread you make" were unanimous.
Soft wheat sandwich bread that far outweighed any store bought loaves.
Stay tuned for another visit into our kitchen Homesteading adventures video, later this week. I will share the recipe and experience of our new Toy. Now go on. Get over to their website Grainmaker.com to see for yourself.
Our first snow of the season is here and while children are sledding and hot cocoa is waiting, I have a few more loaves to make for friends. Happy grinding!
Sweet Dreams,

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