Saturday, April 11, 2009

Rainy Spring day means..

I was on the search to find out how to Finger knit some produce bags to add to my reusable grocery bags. ( I have never knitted in my life and honestly do not find it interesting. Just wanted some reusable produce bags.)
And then I came upon her....
Wisdom of the Moon: Cheap & Easy Fabric Produce Bags

You know where I will be when the Rain picks up Tomorrow!
That is of course AFTER I go on a Chicory hunt. Temps are still around 50 (F) degrees. But this is the time to get out and forage for those chicory roots!
Why, you may ask am I digging up roots from a typical roadside scavenger? Chicory Coffee of course!
Did you know that in Louisiana chicory coffee is a big deal?The early French had a love for their chicory and brought the seed and root with them on the ships. Yep, it apparently is so similar to coffee in taste (along with Dandelion root) that you can either use it full strength or to mix in with regular coffee. After searching around for more info to share, I found many differing opinions on the time to gather. Decide what YOU think would be best for you. So here are some facts about Chicory before you go out adventuring on a Chicory Hunt:

Time to collect:Root: March - April then October -November,
Herb: June until September,
Flowers: July until September
Ideally, the roots should be dug before the plant flowers, But come Fall you can go at it again.
Chicory likes to grow beside roads. You can also find it at the edge of fields and near railways.In springtime the leaves grow at the ground. These leaves remind one of the leaves of Dandelion, but they are bigger. The blue flourishing Chicory grows beside roads and paths. Most people don't even see this plant growing there, because it is quite flimsy.
In ancient times and in the middle ages the Chicory was famous as a magical herb. It was very valuable because of this.Today the Chicory is used to strengthen the digestion and you can make a coffee substitute from the roots.

A coffee made from the Chicory root is tasty and helps the digestion. It was often used in times, when coffee was difficult to be bought. To prepare Chicory-coffee:

  • cut the root in small pieces and dry them
  • roast the dry roots
  • make a powder of the roasted roots
  • cook this powder like normal coffee. The taste of the drink gives a reminder of coffee.
Do not forget Dandelion root! Another great coffee root. Foraging now for later use is the smart route. If you have ever seen the pices for these coffee substitutes, you will also realize the benefit in saving money by doing your own hunt. They are not expensive. But what will it hurt for you to go on a Spring hike and gather some free edibles while you are it.
Now is a great time to dig up the root, before the ground dries from the heat. Having Spring moist soil will make it easier to dig up, leaving less soil disruption to the surrounding growth matter and ensuring your roots will come up more intact.
The laptop is going back to The Captains work place so I have this very temperamental PC to work with. It likes to shut off when it feels like it. A new PC goes on the list with a new Digital Camera. Our camera is once again getting temperamental and I want a more proffesional camera for future projects.
Electronic Gods, please smile upon me in my moments of cash strapped need. Can I send a list like a child to Santa?
Yeah, I didn't think so.
Sweet dreams,


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