Thursday, April 23, 2009

Spring check up on the Bee hive...

Our Bee Man came by today for the Spring time checking of the hive. He had a bigger then normal audience since I had the Neighborhood brood here playing. Panda was firing out so many questions. She has such an inquisitive mind. The other children just stood back and stared in silence as Bee Man went through the motions of inspecting the hive.

Seems to be a new queen in town.

Nice side close up (above) shows how tall the new Queen cell is/was.
Below you can see new Brood cells not far from the larger (now empty) Queen cell.

He may bring another frame with brood just in case. Something has happened with the Queen which he is not sure what. So just to be on the safe side, he will most likely bring the brood frame this weekend and have a closer look into the hive.
I look forward to my morning strolls through the garden which would eventually bring me to the hive area, where I sit and wait until they begin their morning ritual.
There is something so satisfying about walking through the garden in the early morning light before most are awake. Everything is sleeping and as the sun comes over the trees, sparkling the morning dew and hearing the birds singing their morning greetings. I sit, coffee in hand, enjoying the solitude with Mother Nature. Just me, the plants, the Birds and the bees.
Spring time is FINALLY here!
Sweet dreams,


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