Monday, October 5, 2009

And we hit the ground running....

As many know, I have been selling my Artisan breads at the local Farm market and was honored to be invited into the home of another Vendor this last weekend, to sell my goods during the North East Ohio Solar home tour. Their home is solar powered which Tom, the Husband, designedthe system himself. She sells All Natural earth friendly Soaps, cleaners, lotions, etc. I hit it off so well with Kim and it may have helped her son and Panda were in the same class last year. I buy her soap for Frog's bad Eczema and her lotion is the only kind which does not sting the patches where she itches so badly. All her recipes are from her Amish/Mennonite roots.

Be sure to *check out her site over here *and see all the amazing cleaners she sells which contain All Natural Ingredients and made with the greatest Quality in mind. I am using her wood polish now and my house has never smelled so nice for so long after using one.
I Look to Kim as a Mentor/Big Sister of sorts when it comes to my new Home based business. She has helped guide me in the right direction and jests as a big sister would over the mistakes I make (like my ugly business cards I settled for after an hour of trying to get the template to work with my comp). She inspires me and fills me with the feeling I CAN succeed.
I believe it is her support which has inspired my latest out reach.
I am running very low on my Long Pie pumpkins and have not found any other growers locally. So the next best thing is Sugar pie pumpkins to use for my Pumpkin Empanadas. Everyone who tastes them LOVES them. I use very little sugar and make my own pumpkin spicing mix with a secret ingredient which I feel sets it apart from the rest of pumpkin pie items.
I use no eggs or milk- all my items are Vegan Friendly. So along with my Artisan breads, I have been offering these Empanadas as a seasonal item.
My search for pie pumpkins brought an epiphany. There is a local long time Family Farm not far from where locals go for their Fall pumpkins and I buy our chicken feed from their new Feed Barn. I came up with a proposal to Mr. Dussell to sell my pumpkin Empanadas using their sugar pie pumpkins which I purchase from them and sell these at their pumpkin tent area a few days a week. I would also let people know at the events I attend during this month that I am at Dussells Farm on those select days and they can order my artisan bread to pick up there along with getting more Empanadas while they browse this Family Farm for their Fall needs.
I brought a loaf of my Sun dried Tomato Spinach basil Italian bread and some Pumpkin Empanadas for them to try and think over my proposal along with my new business card in the bag. Mr. Dussell instantly said Yes! I need to call and speak with the Mrs. just to be sure but I am holding on to to his Yes. LOL.
So now I will be selling my Pumpkin Empanadas on Sundays and Fridays at the Fantastic local Farm Landmark "Dussells Farm! *Check out their site for more of their info*.

They have a great Pumpkin patch tent along with tent maze for children, face painting on the weekends, kettle corn, and of course more pumpkins!...
So if your in the area, be sure to stop in and say hi while you get some very reasonable priced- great quality, Fall decor and pumpkins this month!
I am working on more Upcycled Aprons and hope to have my New Etsy store stocked before the end of the month. I list that site too on my business cards and will be selling my aprons and breads at the School crafts shows during winter.
There is a door by our steps which leads into a small room off the Man cave area/rec room. I will begin prepping that 10x20 space as my custom order pick up office. That way I continue to offer my breads all year to the locals who enjoy my bread and not have to attend any other events to get their loaf each week- some of which require an entry fee.
So The Unusual Farm Chicks are taking off. From growing our own main ingredients for bread and baked good flavorings to utilizing savvy cool clothes into Aprons which can be worn in public without losing style. From grocery shopping, the garden, kitchen and picking the kids up from the bus stop, these Aprons will not be cutting into your fashion sense.
I have this quote in a colored glass dangle sitting on the window shelf above my sink so I read it everyday:
"I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it"
~Maya Angelou

Sometimes the things that happen to us are not great things. We all make mistakes or endure bad times. But we should walk away with the things learned in those times and utilize those lessons into making a better future. Letting go, learning to heal and not let it contnue to let it be like a monkey on your back is the only way to to move past it.
I feel I have walked away from so much in my past and am finally looking ahead with those lessons in hand. My life is about the future and present. No longer letting the past change or affect my family and I.
Hopefully you too will learn letting go and being positive makes you the stonger person. It did take me awhile to get here, but that is where the saying people come into your life for a reason. May it be a moment, a day, a month or season. Each brings something to you and it is up to you to learn why.
Happy Fall!
Sweet Dreams,


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