Sunday, October 25, 2009

Solar pit greenhouse update and tea samples

I swore this day was never going to come. But here I am feeling rather satisfied with myself. Or rather I should say, The Captain, for all his hard labor of love which was put into getting things to this point. Poor guy has concrete burn on his fingertips from not wearing the plastic gloves I insisted he wear under his work pair. He learned after the first time and did finally succumb to my mothering ways. I bandaged up his fingertips after applying Kim's Extra moisturizing lotion all over his hands. (The main ingredient is Aloe Vera).
His hands were so dry and sore, he was amazed there was no "burn" like the other lotions I have put on him. Duh! It's all natural you silly boy! Why do you think Frog lets me put it on her eczema without a fuss?
Anyway, all 4 walls are finished! We have 1 more sunny day which is Monday so I need to get the big window section cleaned up and secure so I can start assembling the A frame roof. Or as The Captain likes to call it, "The bomb shelter"...

He always jokes that when we sell we could advertise it as a solar pit greenhouse -slash- Bomb shelter. I of course do not bother pointing out how that was not possible as one but instead just laugh at his goober comments. He tries. He really does. But I still have a lot of work ahead of me. Example being he suggested we use "tar" to coat the inside of my pit greenhouse( he was thinking waterproofer and heat absorber) since I mentioned painting the North wall black... he was confused by my disgusted look and I had to explain why.

Now as to Tea Samples. I need 4 participants who would be willing to allow me to mail out a few samples of our tea blends next month. We have just 2 tried and true as of this posting but I am working on another for mid day enjoyment so it may be 3 kinds of which I would send 2 samples, each variety. (Enough for 2 cups of tea.) So "Sweet Dreams" blend and the "Panda's Belly" would be a part of the samples for now.
Our Sweet dreams loose Tisane

I need HONEST opinion input. Others who are willing to share what their taste buds speak while sipping them. What comes to mind and if/ how it makes you feel. Your input will help produce a well rounded tea. I have a neighbor friend who is my willing guinea pig but more opinions would be so much better.
These would be loose teas (Tisanes), pre measured into a glassine envelope so all that is needed will be a tea ball or such for preparation. Brewing instructions will be included along with ingredient list and a little info I collected on them. FYI- the Sweet Dreams does not include Chamomile so those with a sensitivity to the plant due to allergies can enjoy a relaxing cup as well as the colicky baby or infant).
My sewing machine is down so I have some tinkering to do before I can finish up a few things. Actually it has been down for a week. I do believe someone small must have played with a few dials and ran the machine. I have thread which just today have successfully removed from the gutting's. Now I am playing with dials to get it back to where it will run smoothly.
So many delays have been in my life as of late. In the end I get over it and move on.
So those who would like to test out the teas, please leave your interest in a comment. I will let Frog pick out 4 if there is more of which show interest.
Speaking of who... Someone just woke up and wants to cuddle so I bid you....
Sweet dreams,


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