Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Bobbi From 'The Lazy Designer..... Please Meet Mel From 'Little Ted Canvas'....

Oooh, it's sort of like matchmaking!

I have two lovely bloggy friends, and they both have something in common!

Bobbi (from the marvellous and always entertaining The Lazy Designer), has a 'thing' for Snow White.

Here's some pics (below) from her blog post about it the other day. She's 39 and she still has her toy Snow White cottage, and she still loves to play with it (as does her cute cat Sofia).

I think that's super cool. It's the things we love that bring us joy. And, bringing out our inner child by not being afraid to give ourselves permission to experience those things, no matter how silly we may think we're being (if that's the case), is feeding our soul.

And, lo and behold, it looks like Mel from Little Ted Canvas (another glorious blog.... very crafty and talented is Mel), has a bit of a 'thing' for Snow White too!

She makes cute brooches featuring Snow White and some of the Seven Dwarves. Love it!

So Bobbi... meet Mel!

For everyone else, here's those links again.... lots of goodies to see and read about at either of these lovely ladie's fabulous blogs.

The Lazy Designer
Little Ted Canvas

Linda. xox



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