Thursday, December 20, 2012

We Have Guests Coming From America!

Guest post from Our friends in the UK:
For six months, we trained every other day, walking ten kilometers breaking in our new hiking boots. We had heard the stories of incredible friendships made during the month-long pilgrimage named the Camino de Santiago in Spain. We made the walk, traveling 20 to 30 kilometers each day, completing the 800K hike at the end of September. We began in late August. Each night in a different town, we would dine with fellow travelers from around the world, laughing, commiserating about our sore feet, talk about getting lost, and marveling at the rich scenery along the way.

We struck up a close friendship with one couple about our age from the U.S. and invited them to stay with us and explore London the next time they were in Europe. They called last month and announced they would be in the U.K. over the Christmas holiday and wanted to see us. We were overjoyed, but immediately assessed our spare bedding. We decided this was a great opportunity to do an update. After all, most of what we considered spare was given to us as wedding gifts 20 years ago.

We decided to go to Dunelm Mill to look at Dorma bedding. Dunelm Mill is UK’s largest homewares retailer. Founded in 1979, one of their premier brands is sumptuous Dorma bedlinen. None other than Her Majesty the Queen is amongst Dorma’s most satisfied customers having granted Dorma two prestigious royal warrants. That’s better than saying the Beatles slept here. One reason Dorma bedding has such high regard is the thread count of their linens. They don't produce any bedding below 200 thread count, and the 300 thread count bedding creates an incredibly soft touch against your skin. Our guests will love it and will enjoy their sleep after days of tourist walks. The best part is, we can get what we need at Dunelm Mill before our guests arrive.


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