Friday, February 22, 2013

Cutting the cord...or rather, the cable.

Today was a day I have been looking forward to for some time now and the kids viewed as though I were packing them up into my tiny Kia Soul for a 48 hour drive to live off grid hidden deep in the wilds of Alaska. Where phone reception and internet is replaced by Ham radios and snail mail delivered on putter planes once a month.
Seriously. If you could have only heard their initial gasps and protests. From my younger two I got: "What?! But what about my shows? How are we going to watch our shows?" and of course my favorite was "Oh great, Mom. NOW what am I going to talk about with my friends when all of them are discussing the shows that were on..." Really? Who ARE you guys and where are the kids I thought I had been raising during the last 13 years? I need outdoor wilderness in a cabin somewhere for a whole summer with these kids to repair  even a little of the damage done to their minds...
I am currently browsing for one of those plush Hollywood style rehab clinics that specializes in T.A. Complete with heated pool, a masseuse available round the clock and those big fluffy white robes and custom fitted eye masks to help them cope through their withdrawals...
It's called Lets go to the library or go play in the woods!
The economy has raised prices so much so that the budget we had over 2 years ago, has now been smashed   into bits. Here's my chance! So I jumped the opportunity to rid my house of far to many hours a week of disrespectful back talking Disney actors and Nickelodeon grind dances echoing through these walls. No amount of example or talk from us as parents stands a chance against what they see on television by kids their own age. If they see it, and it's often enough, they WILL imitate it. OH boy do they... 
 I managed to finally talk The Captain into going along with cutting the Cable television connection. No more paid entertainment so we could save $100 a month, immediately depositing it into savings  That's $1200 a year!
After spending 3 hours I will never regain trying to speak with someone at the infamous Time Warner cable in my attempt to simply have the cable turned off and switch to just phone & internet, I now feel zero guilt for the condition of their remote we have only had 6 months. Between the buttons that you must press in a certain angle and multiple times to change a channel, to the battery cover that went A.W.O.L some time shortly after it's acquiring and may very well be deep in the guts of this old house via floor ducts. The last one we had succumbed to it's final abuse with a dunking of milk... I even left the rubber bands on it that were for the sole purpose of holding in the batteries which also unintentionally were great for gripping in between the couch cushions.Which is where it seemed to end up every day which also may explain the need of batteries so often. Heck, I didn't even bother to dust the box off which didn't seem to matter anyway being that despite my having to pay $10 for the privilege of having the cable turned off, the cable guy never stepped foot in our yard. So now, not only do I have to spend more hours on the phone with them to have our just made old amount payment reimbursed {and we all know how much they "care" for their customers and only want to make us happy}, I now need to drive 25 minutes to drop off their box at the closest office.
Despite the headache Time Warner gave me, I am able to give them the final flip off but not giving them another dime for entertainment...O.k. For television. Because I REFUSE to not have a phone and internet as long as I live in the north with cold winters.
Besides, how else am I to read my daily dose of the worlds insanity?
Sweetest Dreams,


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