Sunday, October 16, 2011

Monday Mojo - Don't Say You Don't Have Enough Time.....

I'm not sure all those people had families to look after (I don't know how some people manage a family and everything else they do) - but I take Mr. Brown's point!

In regards to my own time management, I've decided to make a bit of a pledge regarding the tele.

No more mindless T.V. watching to fill in time (when I really could be doing something else purposeful) or zone out. If there's a program I specifically want to watch I will watch it, and then get away from the T.V.

Perhaps once a week I'll allow myself some mindless channel surfing.... but, I don't know.... I wonder how I'd go without the T.V. at all for a few weeks?

Imagine what I might get done!

Any of you go without the T.V? I have some friends who don't own one... how about that!

I can't imagine that.

But, just because we adjust to things in our lives and view them as a 'given' because they're such a big part of our society... doesn't mean I HAVE to conform.

It's just a habit that's easy to fall into and I suspect may be a tad hard to reform.


I wrote an article about this very thing a few years back. I'll have to dig it out of my computer archives for you. :)

Unitl next Monday, I hope time treats you kindly this week, and as usual on a Monday morning, may your mojo be with you!

Linda. xox



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